Welcome back to This is India! I always have funny/weird stories about India to share with friends or family when I talk to them. This is just meant to be an honest portrayal about my life in India through short anecdotes. I also share here what I’ve been up to online outside Hippie in Heels.

What I was up to other than here:

  • I am so sad Christmas is over! I had a very festive week considering we live at the beach. That’s why this post, I’m sharing what we did for Christmas!
  • My parents spent Christmas in Jamaica at an all-inclusive resort. I’m trying to talk them into writing a post on the blog about the pros and cons of the place and if they recommend it. I’m sure a lot of you are interested in these kinds of trips.
  • I’m not on Snapchat or Instagram Stories, so if you want to see more live updates you can join my chat on Pepo (you can download it on your Andriod or iPhone). It’s a place where you can join chats with like-minded people, so of course, I’m in mostly food chats lol.

Now your story,

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Okay, I know people read my posts because I can see the stats, but only a few of you comment. Please comment and tell me what you did for Christmas and where you were. I am really curious to know!

Christmas in Goa

What you’re seeing above are the best cookies that have ever been made. I used this recipe for chocolate peppermint cookies that I’ve had bookmarked forever. I had to bring Andes mints from the US and have Ann bring candy canes when she visited.

If you make them just FYI I did add an extra egg and don’t roll the cookies in the candy cane like it says, just get the candy on top or it sticks to the pan.

What you’re seeing below is the face of a monster dog who realized how good the cookies were, jumped on the counter, and ate 5. That’s a lot of cocoa powder, and according to the website Ben checked it’s a “fatal dose”.

Christmas in Goa

So, he did everything he could to make Omni vomit (mustard, baking powder, salt, eggs…) but Omni saw these all as treats, slept like a baby, and showed no symptoms. Indian stray dogs can withstand so much more than pedigrees!

For Christmas Eve, Ben and I went to get some local food which consisted of rava fried kingfish and mussels, butter garlic prawns, cheese garlic naan, chicken dry fry, chicken tandoori, and paratha. Yes, it was a lot of food and the grand total was $20 because of all the seafood ($20 is pretty high for two people eating local food).

Christmas day, we woke up early for our tradition of Ben cooking me pancakes. LOL. What a good tradition, right!? Lucky me!

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

FYI that pancake syrup was $18. WTF! But, imported USA things are so so expensive here. I’m going to be eating a lot of pancakes so I don’t waste it.

Christmas in Goa

Kit kat hid during the celebrations.

Christmas in Goa

This guy came by the house to get a tip, and I happily gave him one in exchange for this photo. He comes by the house about 2x a month and also hangs around Anjuna at the markets and anywhere he might come across tourists.

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

It was time to burn my Christmas candle that I brought from the USA. We have re-used this wrapping paper now for 3 years lol.

Christmas in Goa

Ben was DYING for this Raspberry Pi 3. He wanted it so badly that I had to let him open it on Xmas eve or as he said “he won’t go anywhere on Christmas day because he’ll want to play with his new toy”.

It’s been almost a week now since Christmas and he has deemed this little mini-computer a waste of time and he’s over it!

Christmas in Goa

Shanti and Omni also got Xmas presents. Ben got them a huge bone in the USA and saved it until Christmas to give them.

After breakfast we picked up Tia and went to Vaayu to rent some surf boards.

Christmas in Goa vaayu

Christmas in Goa vaayu

Vaayu Waterman’s is a cool cafe and guesthouse in Ashwem. The beach here is a lot nicer than Vagator where I normally go, but the waves weren’t great by the time we got there. We missed them by like an hour.

Christmas in Goa
Christmas in Goa

There were still enough to play around though and practice!

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

Then we had a little snack of tacos and Ben downed a healthy amount of mimosas.

Christmas in Goa

From here we went to lunch number two at La Plage around 3 PM. Our friend Priyanka joined us and it was actually the best day I have had in such a long time! It was SO much fun and we stayed until nearly 7 PM drinking wine. Later, we stopped by a friend Mona’s and then can home to Skype our families in US and UK. We were pretty drunk but I don’t think they knew that until they just read this haha!

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

Christmas in Goa

This is India!