Comments on: Why I Don’t Think You Should Quit School to Travel A Glamorous Travel Blog Sat, 21 Mar 2020 00:37:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patricio Sat, 21 Mar 2020 00:37:50 +0000 Unfortunately this only applies to Americans. Having a degree or not wouldn’t make any difference in terms of saving money in my case. I am from Argentina, so forget about 5 star resorts abroad, not any profesional can afford that. And forget about studying abroad, totally unaffordable.

The best options is to just work and save enough dollars to travel for a few years.

By: thebrighttravels Sat, 10 Feb 2018 19:40:39 +0000 Wow! I love this post considering I’m in college and I just started travel blog. I absolutely love to travel, and started to doubt finishing my degree. Thank you so much for the motivation though.

By: Inukie Wed, 11 May 2016 00:01:51 +0000 I’ve been able to save money for travel just fine without a degree, and servicing the 10k debt from 1 year of misery, yes I had scholarships, 9k/yr, the price of school in America is just not worth it to many.
It’s really not like its the absolute end of the world. I like customer service type jobs and working seasonal rush things is a great way to get lots of money. It might be harder to get in the door, but if you have a good attitude and are willing to work, you can do a lot of things. Here’s a secret, those jobs where college grads work that don’t need a degree? They don’t need a degree! Some coffee shops and hardware stores have great benefits, while retail and hospitality have clear high seasons. Also worth noting, I left school due to illness. With low key work I’m just happier and a lot healthier.

Because I don’t have a degree, my TESOL certification has very little use, and I should’ve been more careful about that before I got it. But if that’s the only reason I have to get an associates, then its not happening. Ah, my grudge is showing isn’t it? Just wanted to put up a good counterargument.

By: Rachel Jones Thu, 14 Apr 2016 06:30:47 +0000 In reply to Sam Korber.

Hi Sam, I’m glad this blog has been a resource for you. That would be a really interesting job to take after college!

By: Sam Korber Wed, 13 Apr 2016 20:27:15 +0000 This post makes me so happy. I am a first year in college and want to travel so badly but I know that it will still be possible after I graduate. Today I found out about a grant program that I could apply for after I graduate and be a teaching assistant in India, so I have been looking up India all day which is how I found your blog! I have been reading it nonstop since! This post is so important to me!

By: Rachel Jones Wed, 08 Jul 2015 23:56:44 +0000 In reply to Jill Pitt.

That’s great news. Good luck with blogging, it’s hard but very rewarding and fun!

By: Jill Pitt Wed, 08 Jul 2015 14:26:59 +0000 This is a great article Rachel. I have been thinking of starting a blog based around budget and travel and keeping a balance. I can see how people would want to quit school and travel, I almost did myself. Instead I figured out a way to study abroad in Thailand. If only I had done it sooner!! I luckily was able to do it for my last semester of school where I finished my degree in Asia which left me graduated with no job; a perfect time to travel! Although I am back in Canada now fully employed, I am still finding ways to fulfill my wanderlust while working full time :) I’ll definitely be back and hopefully able to share my blog link soon!

By: Rachel Jones Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:26:30 +0000 In reply to Cyra.

Thanks for your input! It’s great to see both sides of things.

By: Cyra Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:29:41 +0000 Great post Rachel and interesting perspective. In some ways I agree with you, even though I did exactly that. I didn’t know what I wanted to study, so I went travelling for a year instead (I worked a year out of high school first so I could save money and develop some skills). In the end I never went home, and now I am studying by correspondence (it’s been 10 years since I went on that “gap year”). I never would have chosen what I am studying now if I had gone to university straight out of high school) and I am glad that I took the time to “find myself”, as cliche as that sounds!

On the other hand, I have been based in Europe for most of the last 10 years and I have an EU passport – so I am in the fortunate situation where I can be away from my home country but able to work freely (as well as having access to other benefits of being a citizen). And not everybody is in that situation, in which case, I think quitting school to travel definitely requires a little bit more thought as like you said, you need to have something to fall back on. And even though I am lucky that I have been “in the right place at the right time” I have felt the pressure increase in the last few years to have a degree when job hunting.

PS: Great blog. I love India!

By: Rachel Jones Wed, 30 Jul 2014 11:07:32 +0000 In reply to Danni.

Thanks for your comment- I’m glad you chose the way that works best for you!

By: Danni Tue, 29 Jul 2014 02:50:45 +0000 I waited until I finished my degree and had worked for a year before I decided to travel. My boyfriend even decided to do a masters before we left. My reasoning for waiting and staying in school is quite similar for my reasoning for travelling for a year- the wonders of this world aren’t going anywhere. That 100 year old monastery is not likely to jump up and walk away. As long as you have the passion for travel and a moderate amount of money (and time) saved you can travel. The reasoning for taking the time off to travel is similar. With a functional degree, the door to the working world will be open and let’s face it- we’re going to be paying bills for the rest of our lives. Might as well save a little and travel a lot. The safety net of my degree really allows me to enjoy this time I’ve worked so hard for.

Great post!

By: Rachel Jones Thu, 17 Jul 2014 06:52:05 +0000 In reply to NZ Muse.

thanks for you input! it is scary to leave work.

By: NZ Muse Wed, 16 Jul 2014 12:27:08 +0000 OH man I absolutely would not advise that. For me, even with a few years in the workforce, and knowing I could do a little industry freelancing on the road, taking time out to travel was scary enough. Doing that with no qualification/skills/work experience? No way.

By: Rachel Jones Mon, 14 Jul 2014 07:04:59 +0000 In reply to Anna.

Thanks Anna, you’re right :)

By: Rachel Jones Mon, 14 Jul 2014 06:58:37 +0000 In reply to Christine @thetraveloguer.

Yep, exactly Christine!

By: Christine @thetraveloguer Sun, 13 Jul 2014 12:33:10 +0000 Great advice Rachel. Travel is really wonderful, but, unfortunately, a degree is important too. But you can easily get a degree and travel during the summers, and then set off when you graduate, there’s plenty of time to do both! :)

By: Anna Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:54:20 +0000 I couldn’t agree more! My blog is actually about not quitting school or some important parts of your life to travel. Even tho traveling is amazing and I’d never quit this it’s nice to have a back-up as you said :)

By: Rachel Jones Fri, 11 Jul 2014 07:57:16 +0000 In reply to Colleen Brynn.

sing it sister! you are the perfect example of someone figuring their shit out … have your cake and eat it too!

By: Rachel Jones Fri, 11 Jul 2014 07:54:44 +0000 In reply to Alex, Speaking Denglish.

I feel ya girl! I actually wish I could teach english in goa to test that out, but they don’t need teachers! boo..

By: Colleen Brynn Thu, 10 Jul 2014 03:58:04 +0000 You are right… if it is your passion, it will be a priority and you will find a way to make it happen. The way I did that during school was doing two overseas exchanges as part of my degree – to Mexico and Denmark. Lots of travel happened in that time, and I would not trade those months for anything! Plus, I could pay my tuition at home and that was my tuition overseas (the beauty of school partnerships!). I also have very supportive parents, and that is invaluable, but at the end of the day, if you want it, you will find a way. I still took extra jobs while I studied in order to save enough money to travel as I wanted and to not have to be indebted to my parents or anyone. Another option for people who are in school is to take a year off either before they start or part way through the degree. I did a year in Europe after high school before I started uni (and the age difference was nothing when I went back) and I am doing a year off NOW from optometry, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The universe speaks to us… it is a matter of whether we listen or not. But ultimately I 100% agree with you. DO NOT QUIT SCHOOL. Take time off, sure, but make sure you go back and finish. If not for yourself, then for the world.
