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Trtl Pillow Review: Is it the Most Supportive Pillow Available?

I am all about my new travel pillow the [easyazon_link identifier="B00LB7REFK" locale="US" tag="Hipinhee-20"]Trtl pillow[/easyazon_link]. I actually wrote a whole blog post about my favorite travel pillow in general, because I hoard them like a weirdo, and this one is the top of the list. For some reason, I forget my pillows all the time and

Best Multipurpose Travel Bags

When it comes to packing light or fitting everything into a carry-on, I love finding multipurpose travel bags to use as my personal handbag. I always put all my tech items in my personal bag in case they make me force-check my carry-on. I put my laptop, tablet, Kindle, camera, and lenses in my personal

Beat Travel Insomnia: How to Catch More Zzz’s on the Road

Travel insomnia is something that isn't talked about much, but many people suffer from it. This sleep disorder involves having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep while on the road. It is something that I have struggled with in the past and I know that I’m not the only one. I was always jealous of

Indian Readers: How To Get A Visa for Malaysia For Indian Citizens

I love Malaysia & India... and Malaysia loves Indians. It only takes 10 minutes of watching TV in India to see the many commercials for Malaysia Simply Asia to know how much they value their Indian guests! Of all the countries Indians travel to, Malaysia tops the list! This article shares how to get a

Little Shops I Loved in Ljubljana

I loved spending my only sunny day in Slovenia wandering the alleys and looking in some shops. I wanted to share my favorites and also just dot them out on a map for you. There are so many cute shops in Ljubljana that you can easily just walk around and find them yourself (it's a