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Ask Me Anything: Will You Plan My Trip to India?

I've always loved to plan trips. For me, the hardest thing is just deciding which country to go to but once I know that, let the planning begin! A lot of you ask me "will you plan my trip to India" either by asking to hire me or by sending over your entire itinerary and

Ask Me Anything: How did you start travel blogging?

Welcome back to my "Ask Me Anything" series. I try to answer FAQ every once in a while and something I get asked a lot is Why did I start travel blogging and what led me to make that decision. I've kind of written about this before throughout the years on this blog but will answer it

Ask Me Anything: What Is My Travel Blogging Backup Plan?

In my 'Ask Me Anything' blog posts, I answer questions that I am frequently asked via e-mail. You can see more by clicking here.  I've been seeing a trend in the e-mails that I receive. It seems like not only do many of you want to travel, but you want to find a way to sustain

Ask Me Anything: Help me Buy a Backpack for India

I sometimes share e-mails under the tag "ask me anything". I get a lot of very similar e-mails which means there are a lot of people out there thinking the same questions. Why not address them to everyone? You can search more like these by clicking that link above. When people ask for help to buy a

Ask Me Anything: How to tell your parents you want to travel

I sometimes share e-mails under the tag "ask me anything". I get a lot of very similar e-mails which means there are a lot of people out there thinking the same questions. Why not address them to everyone? You can search more like these by clicking that link above. "My friends want to go on a year

Ask Me Anything: Should I Buy a Used Car to Tour India?

I sometimes share e-mails under the tag "ask me anything". I get a lot of very similar e-mails which means there are a lot of people out there thinking the same questions. Why not address them to everyone? You can search more like these by clicking that link above. I got the most interesting e-mail from two