The media has been treating India like a punching bag recently… and not without reason. Even Indian media reports on the horrid incidents occurring somewhat regularly in India. This will be one of many posts dedicated to safety tips for traveling India: safety tips for train and bus travel in India.
Many of us have heard of tragic attacks in India over the years, often involving transportation and women traveling alone, and some became subconsciously nervous to travel in India. Before these stories were in the news, six years ago, I was in Delhi riding buses, alone, at night. I didn’t make a fuss of my safety because I really didn’t know I needed to – but these things had been happening then as well, they just weren’t in the news as much intentionally.
With more and more women coming forward about their attacks (the only good thing that came out of the mass attention), it’s becoming clear, if it wasn’t already, that safety for women is an issue in India particularly but not limited to being on transportation. Regardless, I will continue to travel throughout India just like many other women, foreign and Indian, will. I have 14 tips for solo female travel in India that might help you and even wrote an India Guide ebook.
I traveled solo and still continue to do so on overnight buses and lowest class trains, as well as local buses and trains, like in Bombay. I have additional information you can read here about which classes to book on trains in India and tips for specifically solo train travel.
If taking trains and buses in India is daunting and something that stresses you out, then on the longer legs just FLY. It’s so cheap here in India. Use Kiwi to search for the low cost carriers and ask hotels to arrange transport to the airport.
Here are my Safety Tips for Train and Bus Travel in India
1. Don’t take heavy sleeping/anxiety pills before an overnight bus or train. It’s so nice to conk out (and I have to admit, even I’ve done it), but it’s not worth sleeping through someone taking all your stuff, is it?
2. I took a bike chain on my first trip to India. If I were to do another extended trip by train I would do it again. I ordered this Master Lock Chain from Amazon for about 15 dollars. On buses this wasn’t necessary, and it wouldn’t be necessary on 2nd and 1st class trains. On sleeper class trains, it was necessary. Overnight sleeper and second class trains can get overwhelming, and I wouldn’t have slept well without this. The doors are open, people are on and off all night, and could easily grab my bag.
3. Hold your purse or “daybag” while you sleep. I wrap a handle around my arms and keep in in my sleeping bag, which leads me to my next point…
4. I never go on a long trip without a REI Trael Sack Sleeping bag, mummy liner 5. Stay covered up. The trains and buses are not the places to decide you want to express yourself or something like that. When traveling local buses instead of tourist ones, and lower class trains, you’re going to looked at anyways because it’s rare. Don’t draw more attention to yourself. 6. I find the closest family on the train and make friends with their kids, or at least say hi. I make them aware, without saying it, that there’s a solo female traveler on the train. For some reason it relaxes me; if something were to happen I’d like to think our newly made friendship would send them to my rescue. 7. There is this rule in guidebooks that says, “don’t smile to men in India” C’mon. I’ve said in my post about traveling India solo that it’s an unfair silly rule. I think that the reason I didn’t have problems is because I smiled, because I offered some of my snack, and because I didn’t judge these men that stared; I chose to believe they were just curious. Even some of my Indian guy friends call me naïve for that, so take it with a grain of salt- but it’s worked for me. 8. Hold your spot! I’m not kidding, I have had someone sit on my lap on an overnight local bus in the mountains coming from Sarahan. There is no such thing as personal space on Indian transport. The worst is the Delhi metro in rush hour or the Bombay slow local. On the overnight trains, even though you buy a whole bench to sleep on… others have bought a whole bench for their whole family. I have woken up many times to people sitting on my bench, fitting into the empty spaces my curled up body made. One at the end of my feet I can allow, but eventually a line must be drawn. They almost make me feel bad for having a whole seat to myself. 9. Overnight buses: if they stop for a bathroom break, obviously take your belongings off with you to the toilet. Don’t take long because I’ve met people who were left behind! 10. Don’t sick next to the pretty Indian woman who looks nervous, like she’s never traveled before… she’ll puke on you! (and no, they won’t stop the bus for you to get water and clean off) Before coming to India do not forget these three very important things: , and a
. Other than my contacts, it’s literally the most important thing in my bag. On trains it benefits me in that it keeps me covered from the blasting fans, keeps me covered from staring men, I can keep my purse close to me inside of it, and I stay a little cleaner in my shell.
Great tips! It’s very refreshing to get your point of view and perspective from the experience. I’ve been on public transportation in Central America and as a male get stares from everyone. I assume it’s just curiosity as well.
To be blunt, the disgusting events those women went through makes my blood boil.
THanks Shaun! I think curiosity is a main factor, and when it’s just looking I choose positivity and believe the best. (but then at times like on Holi when a man completely gropes my boobs, it’s like ok fuck you mr.!!) One person treating a foreigner wrong can ruin their whole view on the country and its sad that there are so many men like this. The best thing now is that people are talking about it- young and old, in person and on indian blogs and they are at least acknowledging the problem!
Great tips! I have only been on the trains in Europe, but a lot of these would still apply.
Definitely, they can apply anywhere!
These are some great tips! You definitely need to use your common sense when travelling through India. I’m very glad #10 has never happened to me..haha! I was actually in Delhi last year when that horrific gang rape happened, and it was just the most awful thing :(
It’s a shame you were there at that time, but in a way it’s good that foreigners were there to play witness to the replies of the Indian women. So many foreign women were interviewed in international news and it helped spread the word, and I really think if that hadn’t happened, like many of the other rapes the men would have walked free .
You need to add… don’t eat the train food! I heard many nightmares of eating train food in India. Great tips, especially number 10 ;) I miss Indian trains.
Ahh yes, I never got sick from it but did forget to get water and was dying by how spicy it was!
Great tips. Some of them can be followed in China and most of Asian countries I guess. #3 is the most important – to hold your purse or “daybag” while you sleep. It’s easy to fall asleep and get robbed.
Yep, I hold mine like a teddy bear!
Awesome tips ! Im headed to India solo in a few months and this blog is exactly what i’ve been looking for.
Thanks so much Nicole.
Ha! #9 happened to me. Bus left me during a bathroom break at night. All of my belongings were on the bus. The whole having to constantly pee and those over night bus trips were quite traumatic for me! I literally resorted to squatting down to pee right next to the bus, keeping one hand on the side of the bus, for fear of being left behind again. lol. Next time, I am just going to wear a pair of Depends.
OMGsh that is my worst fear!! how terrible. Glad you can laugh about it now.
Any thoughts on the wine scene?
Hello Rachel,
This is a good and informative post. These tips are very great for Woman’s who are planning to visit India. They should be more responsible on their own decision what to do or not.
Dear kid -Rachel, Hare krishna ! I invite you to kindly visit ISKON Temple, Juhu Mumbai to know about indian phylosophy. Explore India there, in its devine and peaceful core. Beaches of Goa are symbol of cultural freedom in india but here you will find freedom from all fears. Hope you will be there soon. – Shridhar
Rachel, do the trains have electrical outlets? or do only certain classes have them?
I know 3AC and 2AC do, cant remember about sleeper third class but I doubt it.
Hi. I remenber there was outlets in the Sleeper Class.. But not workin’ really good !
Hold your spot! This is so true while you are in Indian transport. There is always someone on search of a seat, I have had many weird experiences like yours. I have found another blog with travel hacks in Indian train, whats your comment on those?
Hi Rachel,
Myself and a friend are traveling India at the moment. We are looking to get from Varanasi to Darjeeling, which is a 15 hour train journey, and the only class available is sleeper class. I was wondering what you would recommend, if we should get a sleeper class for 15 hours, or if that will be a bit too unbearable! We are not seasoned train travelers in India but we have done a lot of long distance journeys on local buses, which we love!
Hi Eve,
If you have a sleeping bag or liner and your own pillow, it’s not that bad – I don’t know the temp up there but the main concern would be no AC as many areas of India are hot.. would imagine Varnasi is but maybe no Darjeeling? I traveled sleeper class a lot , kept my backpack in my bed with me and slept!
Good to know. I can’t believe people would travel all the way to India without checking that they needed a visa!
Hey Eve,
Thanks for your insight into travelling safely in India. India is a country where buses and trains are the primary modes of transport. It has to be relied upon necessarily. So one can’t just prevent themselves from visiting a country that is so culturally exotic just because of fear in buses and trains. It is a much better idea to travel smartly and definitely follow these safety tips that you provided. Thanks for sharing!
I loved traveling by train and bus in India! We always traveled by sleeperclass or sleeperbusses and honestly I have not been scared for one second. I never put a chain on my backpack, I just put it below the lowest bench and my smaller bag between the ‘wall’ and my legs. Also in the sleeperbus I never took my belongings with me… I think I was just lucky that nothing happened, because now I read this I think that maybe I could have been a little more careful… I just did not feel unsafe… happy about that! Also about the ‘men-thing’. I have only met men who were so so soooo helpful, and not in a scary/wrong way. They truly wanted to help us on our journey. It’s part of their culture and maybe again…luck. It’s now one week since I am back home and I miss it sooo much. I will be back (:
Yes, luck plays a lot into your India traveling experience for sure. I’m glad you had such a good time here!
thanks for the tip on G Adevntures! I have never been to India, I think I’ll start my one month trip with that — and travel solo from there. I’m going to e stalking your blog until then!
Sounds awesome!!! I hope you have a great trip :)
Now this is what I was looking at. Just to add a point that remember the couple of station names before your arriving station. This would help because there are no announcements when you station arrives.
Hi Rachel
Awesome blog, very brave and adventurous like us aussies and kiwis. I am a Goan, living (lived most of my life) in Australia. My wife is S korean. I know the looks one gets when you walk the streets in another country espically with your wife and kids (when I stayed in S Korea). The rape issues in Delhi was viewed all around the world. This put my wife off from traveling to Goa (India). I know now they are dealing and educating the public better (from movies and education). You are right they are curious. Back in the early 90s they built the train line from north to south, going through Goa. When Tourism took off well in Goa, lots of people from nothern india came to Goa for work. When I went there 7 years ago the local dialogue/language (konkani/my mother toungue) was at a minimum spoken as the national launguage (Hindi) took over. Goa is still an awesome place for me in the world. From the beaches, to local food, culture, clubs and parties, festivals, rich history, tropical nature, people and atmosphere.One day I can show my kids where I grew up in the 80s.
hahaha hilarious :) You write well!
Wow !nice tips for one’s safety.we must have to apply these.especially for those girls n women who have to travel alone for any reason.
Really nice blog yaar. Im from India and I believe whatever you wrote in this blog and that other blog about solo travel in India is correct.